Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) instruments are proved to be valuable tools both for materials analysis and for nano-fabrication. As an analytical microscope they have been used in combination with secondary ion mass spectrometry, X-ray analysis or electron backscatter diffraction.
FIB devices (see Fig. 4) create a bright beam of accelerated ions, focusing them to spots in the range of 10 nm and even below. Both for 3D materials analysis and lithography, the FIBs take advantage of the effective interaction between the primary ions and the target atoms. Thus, a sample can be nano/micro-machined with the desired structure without the need for a mask. Therefore, FIBs are especially suited for prototyping of micro/nano-optic devices.

Fig4: The chamber view of a two beam FIB system with critical components marked.