Modern Magnetic Systems
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World's first video recording of a space-time crystal

World's first video recording of a space-time crystal

Periodic pattern consisting of magnons is formed at room temperature

A team of researchers has succeeded in creating a micrometer-sized space-time crystal consisting of magnons at room temperature. With the help of an ultra-precise X-ray microscope, they were able to capture the recurring periodic magnetization structure in a movie. The research project “Real space observation of magnon interaction with driven space-time crystals” was published in Physical Review Letters.

X-ray microscopy magnonic space-time-crystal space-time-crystal Modern Magnetic Systems Gisela Schütz Joachim Gräfe MAXYMUS Bessy II Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Frank Wilczek Physical Review Letters


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mms Joachim Gräfe
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Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer