Modern Magnetic Systems
Note: This department has relocated.


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One-dimensional phthalocyanine nanostructures directed by gold templates

Krauss, T. N., Barrena, E., Lohmüller, T., Kelsch, M., Breitling, A., Van Aken, P. A., Spatz, J., Dosch, H.

{Chemistry of Materials}, 21, pages: 5010-5015, 2009 (article)

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Magnetische L10-FePt Nanostrukturen für höchste Datenspeicherdichten

Breitling, A.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (phdthesis)



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Near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure microscopy of organic and magnetic materials

Ade, H., Stoll, H.

{Nature Materials}, 8, pages: 281-290, 2009 (article)

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X-ray imaging of the dynamic magnetic vortex core deformation

Vansteenkiste, A., Chou, K. W., Weigand, M., Curcic, M., Sackmann, V., Stoll, H., Tyliszczak, T., Woltersdorf, G., Back, C. H., Schütz, G., Van Waeyenberge, B.

{Nature Physics}, 5, pages: 332-334, 2009 (article)

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Order\textendashdisorder transition and valence state of ytterbium in YbAuxGa2-x(0.26 \textless\textequalsx \textless\textequals1.31)

Gumeniuk, R., Bischoff, E., Burkhardt, U., Prots, Y., Schnelle, W., Vasylechko, L., Schmidt, M., Kuzma, Y., Grin, Y.

{Journal of Solid State Chemistry}, 182(12):3374-3382, 2009 (article)

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Coercivity of ledge-type L10-FePt/Fe nanocomposites with perpendicular magnetization

Goll, D., Breitling, A.

{Applied Physics Letters}, 94, 2009 (article)

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Time-resolved X-ray microscopy of nanoparticle aggregates under oscillatory shear

Auernhammer, G. K., Fauth, K., Ullrich, B., Zhao, J., Weigand, M., Vollmer, D.

{Journal of Synchrotron Radiation}, 16, pages: 307-309, 2009 (article)

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Micromagnetism of advanced hard magnetic materials

Kronmüller, H., Goll, D.

{International Journal of Materials Research}, 100, pages: 640-651, 2009 (article)

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Confinement of MgH2 nanoclusters within nanoporous aerogel scaffold materials

Nielsen, T. K., Manickam, K., Hirscher, M., Besenbacher, F., Jensen, T. R.

{American Chemical Society Nano}, 3(11):3521-3528, 2009 (article)

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Ab-initio Elliott-Yafet modeling of ultrafast demagnetization after laser irradiation

Illg, C.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (mastersthesis)



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Element specific investigation of the magnetization profile at the CrO2/RuO2 interface

Zafar, K.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (mastersthesis)



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Complex magnetic phase in submonolayer Fe stripes on Pt(977)

Honolka, J., Lee, T. Y., Kuhnke, K., Repetto, D., Sessi, V., Wahl, P., Buchsbaum, A., Varga, P., Gardonio, S., Carbone, C., Krishnakumar, S. R., Gambardella, P., Komelj, M., Singer, R., Fähnle, M., Fauth, K., Schütz, G., Enders, A., Kern, K.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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Local and nonlocal atomic contributions to unit-cell damping in near-adiabatic collinear magnetization dynamics

Seib, J., Steiauf, D., Fähnle, M.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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Temperature-dependent critical currents in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δand ferromagnetic La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 hybrid structures

Djupmyr, M., Soltan, S., Habermeier, H.-U., Albrecht, J.

{Physical Review B}, 80, 2009 (article)

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High surface area polyHIPEs with hierarchical pore system

Schwab, M. G., Senkovska, I., Rose, M., Klein, N., Koch, M., Pahnke, J., Jonschker, G., Schmitz, B., Hirscher, M., Kaskel, S.

{Soft Matter}, 5, pages: 1055-1059, 2009 (article)

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Grain boundary wetting phase transformations in the Zn-Sn and Zn-In systems

Gornakova, A. S., Straumal, B. B., Tsurekawa, S., Chang, L.-S., Nekrasov, A. N.

{Reviews on Advanced Materials Science}, 21(1):18-26, 2009 (article)



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Magnetization study of nanograined pure and Mn-doped ZnO films: formation of a ferromagnetic grain-boundary foam

Straumal, B. B., Mazilkin, A. A., Protasova, S. G., Myatiev, A. A., Straumal, P. B., Schütz, G., van Aken, P. A., Goering, E., Baretzky, B.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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In situ synthesis and hydrogen storage properties of PdNi alloy nanoparticles in an ordered mesoporous carbon template

Campesi, R., Cuevas, F., Leroy, E., Hirscher, M., Gadiou, R., Vix-Guterl, C., Latroche, M.

{Microporous and Mesoporous Materials}, 117, pages: 511-514, 2009 (article)

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Mit Röntgenblitzen zu neuen Erkenntnissen

Hedderich, R., Weigand, M., Baretzky, B.

{Nanotechnik - Molek\"ule Materialien Mikrosysteme}, (6 (Beilage zu Photonik 41. 2009)), 2009 (article)



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Magnetic resonant reflectometry on exchange bias systems

Brück, S.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (phdthesis)

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Second-order faceting-roughening of the tilt grain boundary in zinc

Straumal, B. B., Gornakova, A. S., Sursaeva, V. G., Yashnikov, V. P.

{International Journal of Materials Research}, 100(4):525-529, 2009 (article)

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Improvement of interface structure and magnetic properties of Co on Si (100) by surfactant (Sb) mediated growth

Dash, S. P., Goll, D., Carstanjen, H. D.

{Applied Physics A}, 97(3):651-656, 2009 (article)

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Effect of severe plastic deformation on the coercivity of Co-Cu alloys

Straumal, B. B., Protasova, S. G., Mazilkin, A. A., Baretzky, B., Goll, D., Gunderov, D. V., Valiev, R. Z.

{Philosophical Magazine Letters}, 89(10):649-654, 2009 (article)

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Magnetic properties of cobalt-covered MgB2 films

Treiber, S., Stuhlhofer, B., Habermeier, H.-U., Albrecht, J.

{Superconductor Science and Technology}, 22, 2009 (article)

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Reconstruction of historic alloys for pipe organs brings true Baroque music back to life

Baretzky, B., Friesel, M., Straumal, B.

{Japan Organist}, 36, pages: 29-38, 2009 (article)



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Exchange-coupled L10-FePt/Fe composite patterns with perpendicular magnetization

Breitling, A., Bublat, T., Goll, D.

{Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters}, 3(5):130-132, 2009 (article)

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Proton NMR studies of the NaAlH4 structure

Valiente-Banuet, L. E., Majer, G., Müller, K.

{Journal of Magnetic Resonance}, 200, pages: 280-284, 2009 (article)

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Metal-Organic Frameworks

Panella, B., Hirscher, M.

In Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, pages: 493-496, Elsevier, Amsterdam [et al.], 2009 (incollection)



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In-situ - Untersuchungen zu Interdiffusion und Magnetismus in magnetischen Multilayern

Schmidt, M.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (mastersthesis)



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Magnetism of FePt surface alloys

Honolka, J., Lee, T. Y., Kuhnke, K., Enders, A., Skomski, R., Bornemann, S., Mankovsky, S., Minár, J., Staunton, J., Ebert, H., Hessler, M., Fauth, K., Schütz, G., Buchsbaum, A., Schmid, M., Varga, P., Kern, K.

{Physical Review Letters}, 102(6), 2009 (article)

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Enhanced 95Zr diffusion in grain boundaries of nano-crystalline ZrO2 \mbox⋅ 9.5 mol\textpercent Y2O3

Drings, H., Brossmann, U., Carstanjen, H. D., Szökefalvi-Nagy, A., Noll, C., Schaefer, H.-E.

{Physica Status Solidi (A)}, 206(1):54-58, 2009 (article)

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Magnetism of nanostructured materials for advanced magnetic recording

Goll, D.

{International Journal of Materials Research}, 100, pages: 652-662, 2009 (article)

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Vortex core switching by coherent excitation with single in-plane magnetic field pulses

Weigand, M., van Waeyenberge, B., Vansteenkiste, A., Curcic, M., Sackmann, V., Stoll, H., Tyliszczak, T., Kaznatcheev, K., Bertwistle, D., Woltersdorf, G., Back, C. H., Schütz, G.

{Physical Review Letters}, 102, 2009 (article)

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Increase of Mn solubility with decreasing grain size in ZnO

Straumal, B., Baretzky, B., Mazilkin, A., Protasova, S., Myatiev, A., Straumal, P.

{Journal of the European Ceramic Society}, 29(10):1963-1970, 2009 (article)

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Fe-C nanograined alloys obtained by high-pressure torsion: Structure and magnetic properties

Straumal, B. B., Mazilkin, A. A., Protasova, S. G., Dobatkin, S. V., Rodin, A. O., Baretzky, B., Goll, D., Schütz, G.

{Materials Science and Engineering A}, 503, pages: 185-189, 2009 (article)

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Chiral symmetry breaking of magnetic vortices by sample roughness

Vansteenkiste, A., Weigand, M., Curcic, M., Stoll, H., Schütz, G., Van Waeyenberge, B.

{New Journal of Physics}, 11, 2009 (article)

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Extended s-d model for magnetization dynamics of strongly noncollinear configurations

De Angeli, L., Steiauf, D., Singer, R., Köberle, I., Dietermann, F., Fähnle, M.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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Carbon Materials

Hirscher, M.

In Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, pages: 484-487, Elsevier, Amsterdam [et al.], 2009 (incollection)



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Theorie der elektronischen Zustände in oxidischen magnetischen Materialien

Kostoglou, C.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (phdthesis)



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Magnetooptische Untersuchungen an Ferromagnet- und Supraleiter-Nanosystemen und deren Hybriden

Treiber, S.

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2009 (mastersthesis)



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Superconducting phase formation in random neck syntheses: a study of the Y-Ba-Cu-O system by magneto-optics and magnetometry

Willems, J. B., Albrecht, J., Landau, I. L., Hulliger, J.

{Superconductor Science and Technology}, 22, 2009 (article)

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Determination of spin moments from magnetic EXAFS

Popescu, V., Gü\ssmann, M., Fähnle, M., Schütz, G.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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Linewidth of ferromagnetic resonance for systems with anisotropic damping

Seib, J., Steiauf, D., Fähnle, M.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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Structural and magnetic deconvolution of FePt/FeOx-nanoparticles using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Nolle, D., Goering, E., Tietze, T., Schütz, G., Figuerola, A., Manna, L.

{New Journal of Physics}, 11, 2009 (article)

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Magnetic imaging with femtosecond temporal resolution

Li, J., Lee, M.-S., He, W., Redeker, B., Remhof, A., Amaladass, E., Hassel, C., Eimüller, T.

{Review of Scientific Instruments}, 80(7), 2009 (article)

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Elliott-Yafet mechanism and the discussion of femtosecond magnetization dynamics

Steiauf, D., Fähnle, M.

{Physical Review B}, 79, 2009 (article)

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Investigation of the stability of Mn12 single molecule magnets

Voss, S., Fonin, M., Burova, L., Burgert, M., Dedkov, Y. S., Preobrajenski, A. B., Goering, E., Groth, U., Kaul, A. R., Ruediger, U.

{Applied Physics A}, 94(3):491-495, 2009 (article)

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