Modern Magnetic Systems
Note: This department has relocated.

Fe-C nanograined alloys obtained by high-pressure torsion: Structure and magnetic properties




Author(s): Straumal, B. B. and Mazilkin, A. A. and Protasova, S. G. and Dobatkin, S. V. and Rodin, A. O. and Baretzky, B. and Goll, D. and Schütz, G.
Journal: {Materials Science and Engineering A}
Volume: 503
Pages: 185--189
Year: 2009

Department(s): Modern Magnetic Systems
Bibtex Type: Article (article)

DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2008.03.052
Language: eng


  title = {{Fe-C nanograined alloys obtained by high-pressure torsion: Structure and magnetic properties}},
  author = {Straumal, B. B. and Mazilkin, A. A. and Protasova, S. G. and Dobatkin, S. V. and Rodin, A. O. and Baretzky, B. and Goll, D. and Sch\"utz, G.},
  journal = {{Materials Science and Engineering A}},
  volume = {503},
  pages = {185--189},
  year = {2009},
  doi = {10.1016/j.msea.2008.03.052}