Modern Magnetic Systems
Note: This department has relocated.


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Computational micromagnetism of magnetic structures and magnetization processes in thin plantelets and small particles

Kronmüller, H., Hertel, R.

In Magnetic Storage Sstems Beyond 2000, 41, pages: 345-362, Nato Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Rhodos, Greece, 2001 (inproceedings)




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Hydrogen storage in mechanically treated single wall carbon nanotrubes

Haluska, M., Hulman, M., Hirscher, M., Becher, M., Roth, S., Stepanek, I., Bernier, P.

In Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures: XV International Winterschool/Euroconference, 591, pages: 603-608, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, AIP, Kirchberg [Austria], 2001 (inproceedings)



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Isotopic mass and lattice constant of Si and Ge: X-Ray standing wave measurements

Zegenhagen, J., Kazimirov, A., Cao, L. X., Konuma, M., Sozontov, E., Plachke, D., Carstanjen, H. D., Bilger, G., Haller, E., Kohn, V., Cardona, M.

In Proceedings of the 25th Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 87, pages: 125-127, Springer proceedings in physics, Springer, Osaka, Japan, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Positron Annihilation Studies on Stable and Undercooled Metal Melts at the Stuttgart Pelletron

Stoll, H., Siegle, A., Major, J.

In Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, 576, pages: 749-752, AIP Conference Proceedings, Denton, Texas, USA, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Submicrometer spatially resolved measurements of mechanical properties and correlation to microstructure and composition

Kunert, M., Baretzky, B., Baker, S. P., Mittemeijer, E. J.

In Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology II, 649, pages: Q3.2.1-Q3.2.6, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, MRS, Boston, MA, USA, 2001 (inproceedings)



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The six-jump diffusion cycles in B2-compounds

Drautz, R., Meyer, B., Fähnle, M.

In Proceedings of DIMAT 2000, the Fifth International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, pages: 417-422, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Scitec Publications Ltd., Paris, France, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Ionic nitriding of austenitic and ferritic steel with the aid of a high aperture hall current accelerator

Straumal, B. B., Vershinin, N. F., Friesel, M., Ishenko, S. A., Gust, W.

In Diffusion in Materials DIMAT2000, 194, pages: 1457-1462, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Trans Tech, Paris, France, 2001 (inproceedings)



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First proof of slow trapping of positronium in polymers by an Age-Momentum-Correlation (AMOC) experiment

Dauwe, C., Balcaen, N., van Waeyenberge, B., van Petegem, S., Stoll, H.

In Positron Annihilation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation, 363/365, pages: 254-256, Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications Ltd., München, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Positron-age-momentum correlation

Stoll, H., Bandzuch, P., Siegle, A.

In Positron Annihilation: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation, 363-365, pages: 547-551, Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications Ltd., München, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Nanocrystalline and nanostructured high-performance permanent magnets

Goll, D., Hadjipanayis, G. C., Kronmüller, H.

In Applications of Ferromagnetic and Optical Materials, Storage and Magnetoelectronics, 674, pages: U2.4.1-U2.4.12, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, MRS, San Francisco, Calif., 2001 (inproceedings)



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Ion beam analysis with monolayer depth resolution using the electrostatic spectrometer at the MPI Stuttgart

Plachke, D., Blohm, G., Fischer, T., Khellaf, A., Kruse, O., Stoll, H., Carstanjen, H. D.

In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry, 576, pages: 458-462, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, AIP, Denton, Texas, 2001 (inproceedings)



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From the electronic structure to the macroscopiy behavior: A multi-scale analysis of plasticity in intermetallic compounds

Fähnle, M., Kohlhammer, S., Bester, G.

In Influences of Interface and Dislocation Behavior on Microstructure Evolution, 652, pages: Y4.5.1.-Y4.5.12, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, MRS, Boston, Mass., USA, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Influence of the microstructure on the magnetic properties of giant-magnetostrictive TbDyFe films

Hirscher, M., Winzek, B., Fischer, S. F., Kronmüller, H.

In Smart Materials. Proceedings of the 1st Caesarium, pages: 23-37, Springer, Bonn, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Materials analysis with monolayer depth resolution using MeV ion beams

Carstanjen, H. D.

In {Journal of Materials Processing Technology}, 117, Las Vegas, USA, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Flux-line pinning in low-angle grain boundaries.

Albrecht, J., Leonhardt, S., Kronmüller, H.

In Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Critical Currents (IWCC 2001), pages: 41-43, Göttingen, Germany, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Measurement of the low-temperature self-diffusivity of lithium by elastic recoil detection analysis

Wieland, O., Carstanjen, H. D.

In Proceedings of DIMAT 2000, the Fifth International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, 194/199, pages: 35-41, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Scitec Publications Ltd., Paris, France, 2001 (inproceedings)



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From the electronic structure to the macroscopic behaviour: a multi-scale analysis of plasticity in intermetallic compounds

Fähnle, M., Kohlhammer, S., Bester, G.

In Influences of Interface and Dislocation Behavior on Microstructure Evolution, 652, pages: Y.4.5.1-Y.4.5.12, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, MRS, Boston, Mass., 2001 (inproceedings)



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Enhancement of the critical current density of YBa2Cu3O7-8-films by substracte irradiation

Leonhardt, S., Albrecht, J., Warthmann, R., Kronmüller, H.

In High-Tc Superconductors and Related Applications: Materials Science, Fundamental Properties, and Some Future Electronic Applications. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, 86, pages: 529-534, NATO Science Series 3. High Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Albena, Bulgaria, 2001 (inproceedings)



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AMOC studies of positronium in fine MgO powder

van Waeyenberge, B., Dauwe, C., Stoll, H.

In Positron Annihilation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Positron Annihilation, 363/365, pages: 401-403, Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications Ltd., München, 2001 (inproceedings)



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Atomic defects and electronic structure of B2-FeAl, CoAl and NiAl

Fähnle, M., Meyer, B., Bester, G., Majer, J., Börnsen, N.

In Proceedings of DIMAT 2000, the Fifth International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, 194/199, pages: 279-285, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Scitec Publications Ltd., Paris, France, 2001 (inproceedings)



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