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Small-pore hydridic frameworks store densely packed hydrogen
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Gallardo, R., Weigand, M., Schultheiss, K., Kakay, A., Mattheis, R., Raabe, J., Schütz, G., Deac, A., Lindner, J., Wintz, S.
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Balcerzak, M., Ponsoni, J. B., Petersen, H., Menéndez, C., Ternieden, J., Zhang, L., Winkelmann, F., Aguey-Zinsou, K., Hirscher, M., Felderhoff, M.
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Birch, M. T., Powalla, L., Litzius, K., Nehruji, V., Hovorka, O., Wintz, S., Schulz, F., Mayoh, D. A., Balakrishnan, G., Weigand, M., Burghard, M., Schütz, G.
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Electrical detection and nucleation of a magnetic skyrmion in a magnetic tunnel junction observed via operando magnetic microscopy
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Talapatra, A., Qin, H., Schulz, F., Yao, L., Flajsman, L., Weigand, M., Wintz, S., van Dijken, S.
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Murzin, D., Belyaev, V. K., Groß, F., Gräfe, J., Perov, N., Komanicky, V., Rodionova, V.
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Nanoporous adsorbents for hydrogen storage
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Powalla, L., Birch, M. T., Litzius, K., Wintz, S., Yasin, F. S., Turnbull, L. A., Schulz, F., Mayoh, D. A., Balakrishnan, G., Weigand, M., Yu, X., Kern, K., Schütz, G., Burghard, M.
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Powalla, L., Birch, M. T., Litzius, K., Wintz, S., Satheesh, S., Weigand, M., Goering, E., Schütz, G., Burghard, M.
Skyrmion and skyrmionium formation in the two-dimensional magnet Cr2Ge2Te6
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Schulz, F., Groß, F., Förster, J., Mayr, S., Weigand, M., Goering, E., Gräfe, J., Schütz, G., Wintz, S.
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Feggeler, T., Lill, J., Günzing, D., Meckenstock, R., Spoddig, D., Efremova, M. V., Wintz, S., Weigand, M., Zingsem, B. W., Farle, M., Wende, H., Ollefs, K. J., Ohldag, H.
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Park, J., Ha, J., Muhammad, R., Lee, H. K., Balderas-Xicohtencatl, R., Cheng, Y., Ramirez-Cuesta, A. J., Streppel, B., Hirscher, M., Moon, H. R., Oh, H.
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Pile, S., Ney, A., Lenz, K., Narkowicz, R., Lindner, J., Wintz, S., Förster, J., Mayr, S., Weigand, M.
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Gerlinger, K., Pfau, B., Hennecke, M., Kern, L., Will, I., Noll, T., Weigand, M., Gräfe, J., Traeger, N., Schneider, M., Günther, C. M., Engel, D., Schütz, G., Eisebitt, S.
Pump probe x-ray microscopy of photo-induced magnetization dynamics at MHz repetition rates
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Ilse, S. E., Schütz, G., Goering, E.
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Luo, C., Chen, K., Ukleev, V., Wintz, S., Weigand, M., Abrudan, R., Prokes, K., Radu, F.
Direct observation of Néel-type skyrmions and domain walls in a ferrimagnetic DyCo3 thin film
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Kim, S., Schütz, G., Son, K., Oh, H.
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Soltan, S., Macke, S., Ilse, S. E., Pennycook, T., Zhang, Z. L., Christiani, G., Benckiser, E., Schütz, G., Goering, E.
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Groß, F., Weigand, M., Gangwar, A., Werner, M., Schütz, G., Goering, E. J., Back, C. H., Gräfe, J.
Imaging magnonic frequency multiplication in nanostructured antidot lattices
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Birch, M. T., Cortés-Ortuno, D., Litzius, K., Wintz, S., Schulz, F., Weigand, M., Stefancic, A., Mayoh, D. A., Balakrishnan, G., Hatton, P. D., Schütz, G.
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Fürsich, K., Pons, R., Bluschke, M., Ortiz, R. A., Wintz, S., Schierle, E., Weigand, M., Logvenov, G., Schütz, G., Keimer, B., Benckiser, E.
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Roadmap on spin-wave computing
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 58(6):0800172, Published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for the Magnetics Group, New York, NY, 2022 (article)
Weigand, M., Wintz, S., Gräfe, J., Noske, M., Stoll, H., Van Waeyenberge, B., Schütz, G.
TimeMaxyne: A shot-noise limited, time-resolved pump-and-probe acquisition system capable of 50 GHz frequencies for synchrotron-based x-ray microscopy
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Sanli, U. T., Messer, T., Weigand, M., Lötgering, L., Schütz, G., Wegener, M., Kern, C., Keskinbora, K.
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Powalla, L., Birch, M. T., Litzius, K., Wintz, S., Schulz, F., Weigand, M., Scholz, T., Lotsch, B. V., Kern, K., Schütz, G., Burghard, M.
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Birch, M. T., Powalla, L., Wintz, S., Hovorka, O., Litzius, K., Loudon, J. C., Turnbull, L. A., Nehruji, V., Son, K., Bubeck, C., Rauch, T. G., Weigand, M., Goering, E., Burghard, M., Schütz, G.
History-dependent domain and skyrmion formation in 2D van der Waals magnet Fe3GeTe2
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Groß, F., Träger, N., Schulz, F., Weigand, M., Dippon, T., Gräfe, J.
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Wysocki, L., Ilse, S. E., Yang, L., Goering, E., Gunkel, F., Dittmann, R., van Loosdrecht, P. H. M., Lindfors-Vrejoiu, I.
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Tailoring optical excitation to control magnetic skyrmion nucleation
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Current-induced Néel order switching facilitated by magnetic phase transition
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